New Membership Application/Renewal Form

Santa Barbara Studio Artists (SBSA) is a California non-profit organization governed by a small Board of professional artists and art-involved associates. The organization is dedicated to providing recognition and opportunities for participating professional level studio artists residing in and working in the visual arts in the Santa Barbara area.

Who Should Apply

Professional artists residing and working in Santa Barbara County who have dedicated professional studios and are willing to have them open to the public either by appointment or at regular hours on a year-round basis.

Commitment of Participants

  • Maintain a safe, clean and interesting studio environment Available year-round by appointment, or regularly scheduled hours, as desired by artist
  • Payment of annual operational fees
  • Sharing of necessary expenses for specific events, if participating
  • Participation in a SBSA committee, if participating in the Open Studios Tour (or payment of an “in lieu of” fee)

Application fee is submitted with the Application below : $50

Annual Cost of Membership is collected: $120  (If accepted into SBSA you will be charged)

For further information call: 805 280-9178 or email.

NOTES: After review of your application, you will be contacted by a board member for a studio visit if your initial application is approved by the board. If accepted as a member, the annual $120 SBSA membership dues becomes due ten days after acceptance. The membership fee also includes your page on our website.
To participate in a specific year’s Tour, applications must be postmarked by January 31st of that year. The SBSA Board requires a 2-3 month time period for application review, studio visitation, and final review for approval into membership. After final approval has been made, new members must be fully paid up in both membership fees and tour participation fees by scheduled dates to participate in the tour. NO LATE EXCEPTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED.
This committee will not be responsible for lost or non-returned material. The invitational process is confidential and SBSA reserves the right to accept or reject any applicant at its sole discretion. Membership is not open to crafts and performing arts.


To Promote Professional-Level Santa Barbara Studio Artists

To plan and publicize the annual SBSA Open Studio Tour

To develop and maintain the SBSA Web site with images of each Participant’s Artwork and a link to their personal Web site

To develop publicity for the SBSA events and Web site

To arrange small group joint exhibitions, small group tours, and other opportunities
A small Board governs SBSA, with volunteer operating committees of artists and other professionals. There is an annual operational fee as determined by the SBSA Board. Participants in specific events / projects are additionally charged actual shared expenses of any event/project in which they participate. Some events/projects are limited in a manner as determined by the SBSA Board–accordingly, there is no guarantee that any Participant will be in every event / project of their choice, nor are they required to participate in every event or project.

It is the aim of SBSA that the exposure and publicity afforded this participation will result in increased local and national recognition and reputation, and will increase exhibition and sales opportunities for Participants.