New Membership Application/Renewal Form
Santa Barbara Studio Artists (SBSA) is a California non-profit organization governed by a small Board of professional artists and art-involved associates. The organization is dedicated to providing recognition and opportunities for participating professional level studio artists residing in and working in the visual arts in the Santa Barbara area.
Who Should Apply
Professional artists residing and working in Santa Barbara County who have dedicated professional studios and are willing to have them open to the public either by appointment or at regular hours on a year-round basis.
Commitment of Participants
- Maintain a safe, clean and interesting studio environment Available year-round by appointment, or regularly scheduled hours, as desired by artist
- Payment of annual operational fees
- Sharing of necessary expenses for specific events, if participating
- Participation in a SBSA committee, if participating in the Open Studios Tour (or payment of an “in lieu of” fee)
Application fee is submitted with the Application below : $50
Annual Cost of Membership is collected: $120 (If accepted into SBSA you will be charged)